Friday, December 24, 2010

Sarah's tag... :)

(WARNING! This post will be full of 'campurization')

Sedang aku ber'blogwalking', tibalah aku d blog cik Sarah Saadi...

Kulihat namaku d tag dalam satu post beliau..

Ok sarah, as u wish.. :)

(a) berikan satu nickname utk saya (pemberi award)..

hmm.. nickname for sarah? aigoo~ what ah?
there's something that keep on repeating in my mind for her nickname..
(don't know why.. huhu~)

(b) berikan ucapan kepada pemberi award..

a speech for sarah? sure can.. hehe~
first of all, sarah, thanks 4 the award.. :)
u're the first one to tag me in any blog that i read..
so, pat your back 4 that.. (pat it!)

actually, i never met her one-by-one, or even talk to her directly!
(just some facebook postings and comments in her blog)
but we do share a thing, we are both STEADFAST members! :)

so, sarah, i want u 2 keep ur spirit up..
be a committed STEADFAST member..
and give also encouragements to ur fellow friends..
maybe one day i will see u and ur friends in our future main committees board holders..

(c) listkan 6 artis/band/group yg korang minat..

hmm... for this one, i need to spend time thinking..
why? because I don't have a specific preferences..
so, after seeing my musics folders, this are the 6 artists/bands/groups that i can think of...

1. So Nyuh Shi Dae (SNSD) a.k.a Girls' Generation

(b t w my favorite member is Sooyoung)

2. Jamal Abdillah

(his voice is legendary)

3. Inteam

(abg Amin's voice soothes me..)

4. Backstreet Boys

5. Mestica

6. 2PM


(i like their dance when singing 'Again and Again')

(d) beri award ini kepada 10 blogger yg mempunyai blog yg cantik dan cun..

ok.. those 10 bloggers are:

Cik Ungu
Potret Achu
Nurun Najat
Cikgu Sushi
Ainor Shamira
Nabilah the Chemist

err.. i only got 9 la.. but all readers are invited to answer my tag.. :)

so, Sarah, ok tak?
hope u're happy with the answers..
thanks again.. :)



Sarah Bt Saadi said...

hehehe. tq abg aizat! ya, ya, berpuas hati sbb banyak sagt puji saya dlm blog ni. hahha. thanks again! :D

Achu said...

haha tq aizat!....suka ^___^

Anonymous said...

haha.. nama ku disitu.. (^_^)

Anonymous said...

eh, nice one. Nabilah the chemist. :)